Here’s why it’s never too early to start preparing in real estate.

We are officially in the holiday season, so before we get into today’s topic, I want to talk a bit about gratitude. In my opinion, no matter the struggles, there is always a silver lining. If you’re watching this right now, think about a few things you’re grateful for because, in my experience, good things happen to happy people. Let’s talk about what this time of year means for buyers and sellers.

“ It’s never too early to put together a strategy.”

Preparation is so important. There’s a famous quote that says: “Every minute you spend in preparation will save you 10 minutes in execution.” So every hour will save you 10 hours, and every month will save you 10 months. 

As we close out this year, a lot of the people we talk to are thinking about buying next year and say they’ll reach out when they’re ready. In my experience, it’s never too early to put together a strategy. The more time you spend preparing, the smoother the execution will be. 

If you’re looking to sell next year, it’s a great time to get together now and talk about your goals. Who do we need to put you in contact with now so that you’re more prepared when you are ready? If you’re a buyer, that might mean talking to a lender. If you’re a seller, you might want to talk to a designer or a contractor. With the year winding down, you have time to work on all of this.

Again, remember to be grateful for everything good in your life. If you’re thinking about buying or selling in 2022 or beyond, reach out to me, my team, or an agent that you know. Don’t wait to talk about your real estate goals. Call us now, and let’s get a plan together.